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Chinese translation for "sailing master"


Related Translations:
sailing:  n.1.扬帆行驶,航行;开船。2.航行方法,航海术;滑翔。短语和例子fixed sailings 定期航行。 Hours of sailing will be announced daily. 开船时刻每日公布。 aerial sailing 航空术,飞行。 current sailing 潮流航法。 great-circle sailing 大圈航法。 Mercator'
sail:  n.1.帆,〔集合词〕(船上)全部风帆,全帆 (=sails)。2.帆船;〔集合名词〕船只 (=ships); 【航空】滑翔机。3.〔pl.〕 缝帆员;〔英海军俚〕帆具官。4.扬帆行驶,航行。5.航行距离,航程;航行力。6. 帆形物;(风车等的)翼板;〔诗〕(鸟的)翼;(鹦鹉螺的)触手。 短语和例子a set sail 已张开的风帆。 a riding sail 停泊用小帆
sailing orders:  〔pl.〕 (船长的)开船命令。
solar sail:  太阳帆〔星际航行中利用太阳能作为动力的一种设备〕。
royal sail:  【造船】最上桅帆。
gaff sail:  【航海】斜桁帆。
mizzen sail:  后桅帆。
sail axle:  转动风车翼板的轴。
sailing ship:  sailing vessel 帆船。
storm sail:  (风暴时用的)较小而牢的帆。
Example Sentences:
1.I believe mr hogg would be a good choice for sailing master
2.John allen , sailing master
3.I did not tell you that blandly , who , by the was is to send a consort after us if we don t turn up by the en of august , had found an admirable fellow for sailing master - a stiff man , which i regret , but , in all other respects , treasure
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